Anu Misty Mini  

Of the four girls, Mini seems to be having the hardest time figuring out where she fits in. Having left school, she spends most of her time with her boyfriend, David, in the warehouse loft where he crafts jewelry. They quarrel as David helps Mini practice her pageant song, "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina". Mini didn't come to the US until she was eleven, but she watched American sitcoms and always wished her family could be as "cute and perfect" as the families on TV. She loves America because "everybody has a chance to become famous here."

Mini's mother tells how embarrassed Mini used to get when she would speak Telugu to her at the Mall: "Please, Mommy, it attracts a lot of attention". Mini's father is a Brahmin ("That's the Hinduest you can possibly get") and served on the medical school faculty at an Indian university. In the US, he hasn't been able to find work. Her mother is worried about the life Mini leads and they fight a lot. Shortly before the pageant, Mini puts her hand through a window when her Mom confiscates her car keys. During the Q&A at the pageant, Mini says the person she admires most in the world is her Mother. Backstage, her Mother lights up with pride, but Mini tells her she was just kidding.




Anu Misty Mini  



© Urban Life Productions